This is the RPO Inclusion and Diversity Policy

1. Effective date 1 September 2019

2. Scope

The Inclusion and Diversity policy applies to

• the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s workforce of staff, Members of the Orchestra and extra musicians

• the potential workforce of job applicants for staff and Orchestral positions

• conductors, soloists and other music practitioners, working with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

• the wider public, as participants, audience members and beneficiaries

The policy deals with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s internal ways of working and the approach to developing and delivering artistic programmes and musical community

and education programmes and engaging with the public.

For the purposes of this policy, the “Royal Philharmonic Orchestra” or “RPO” means the organisation and includes the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra and RPO Resound,

the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s Community and Education arm.

The Inclusion and Diversity policy does not cover harassment which is the subject of the Tackling Harassment and Bullying policy.

3. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

• apply inclusive practices and considerations to the development and delivery of artistic programmes and musical community and education projects offered by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) to the public

• promote diversity and a supportive and inclusive RPO culture

• ensure the RPO is representative of all sections of society

• provide for equality, fairness and respect for Members, Staff and others with whom we work

• not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of a protected characteristic as defined in the UK Equality Act 2010 i.e. age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation

• not provide less favourable conditions or treatment to any Member, employee or candidate. This includes in pay/fees, contract terms and conditions, dealing with grievances and discipline, termination of Membership or contract, parental leave, requests for releases or flexible working, and selection for positions, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities

4. Policy

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s Inclusion and Diversity policy is to establish inclusive practices throughout its public-facing and internal operations, to achieve over time, a more diverse orchestra sector and more diverse Membership, Governance and Staff.

5. Definitions

5.1 Accessibility is the ease with which opportunities (which includes, but is not limited to, facilities, careers, events or participation) can be reached, understood and appreciated, particularly by those who may face economic, social, physical or mental barriers.

5.2 Diversity is the range of human differences and the inclusion of people with different characteristics and individual traits. This includes protected characteristics as defined by the UK Equality Act 2010 and also socio-economic status and different perspectives and life experiences.

5.3 Equality is ensuring that individuals and groups are not treated more or less favourably on the basis of their specific protected characteristics.

5.4 Inclusion is involving and valuing human differences and viewing such differences as strengths so that individuals feel valued, respected and supported.

6. Detail

6.1 There are ethical, business and creative cases for diversity within the Royal

Philharmonic Orchestra and the orchestral sector:

• Pursuing equal access to orchestral music and careers in the orchestra sector is the right thing to do;

• There is compelling evidence that diversity has the potential to result in better performing teams, greater outcomes and impact and sustainable operations;

• Equality, inclusion and diversity in creative endeavours offers opportunities for unique achievements and new works.

6.2 The RPO will integrate consideration of inclusion and diversity into artistic planning, public-facing materials, internal communications and other work planning

6.3 The RPO will highlight areas where there is unequal access to enjoying and participating in orchestral music and take steps to provide and promote solutions and

routes to addressing these.

6.4 The RPO’s work and performances should be accessible, whether through the geographical breadth of its presence and its reach into communities or the range of orchestral experiences that it offers.

6.5 Through its external relationships and internal practices, the RPO will recognise and value individual differences and the contributions of all.

6.6 At Governance and Senior Leadership levels, the RPO will promote diversity and inclusion and will seek to include diverse inputs from internal and external sources in decision making.

6.7 Selections of musicians and non-musicians working with the RPO and appointments, training and other development opportunities within the RPO will be made on the basis of aptitude and ability. The risk of bias in selection processes will be mitigated and managed.

6.8 Inclusion, diversity and equality are commitments from the Governance and Senior Leadership of the RPO. Leaders of the organisation will be appropriately trained to “walk the talk” and deliver in their own areas of responsibility and across the organisation and will play an active role in their own training. Awareness training will be provided to Directors, Members and employees.

6.9 The RPO seeks to work with network bodies and partners to raise awareness of careers in the orchestral sector, develop musicians with the potential to perform with international orchestras, remove barriers to playing and hearing orchestral music and sustain in individuals a lifelong engagement with orchestral music.

6.10 In enacting its Inclusion and Diversity policy, the RPO will seek relevant, specific and continuous improvement through a strategy and rolling action plan and building inclusive practices into work programmes for specific areas of operations.

6.11 The RPO will share knowledge and successes as well as challenges with network bodies and partners to develop and promote inclusive practices and diversity.

7. Obligations

The leadership of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra has obligations under this policy to adopt inclusive practices and to raise awareness of the case for inclusion and diversity in the orchestral sector, internally and externally.

Orchestra Members, Board Members and employees are obliged to comply with the policy.

8. Monitoring and Reporting

8 The RPO will define quantitative measures within its action plan to measure trends and change in inclusion and diversity and will operate the reporting systems to collect this data routinely.

9. Communication

This policy will be communicated to:

• Existing Orchestra Members and Staff

• Job applicants

• Other stakeholders (such as funders and partner venues)

10. Review

The effectiveness of this policy in achieving the measures set out in the plan for continuous improvement will be reviewed by the Board at least annually and changes made in the policy or plan as required.

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