Events Calendar

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Dvořák's 'New World' Symphony

Saturday 24 February 2024, 7.30pm
Guildford G Live

Beethoven Leonore Overture No.3
Haydn Cello Concerto in C Major
Dvořák Symphony No.9, ‘From the New World’

Shiyeon Sung Conductor
Zlatomir Fung Cello

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Big emotions and great melodies with Artist-in-Residence Zlatomir Fung.

Don’t mention the Hovis ad (if you can even remember it), because – with its great tunes, grand emotions and sweeping drama – Dvořák’s Symphony No.9, ‘From the New World’ was a favourite with audiences the world over long before TV even existed. It’s the exuberant ending to a concert that begins with Beethoven’s mighty musical drama of courage, struggle and freedom – the soul-stirring Overture Leonore No.3.

RPO favourite Zlatomir Fung then brings all his brilliance, grace and wit to Joseph “Papa” Haydn’s perfectly-cut jewel of a cello concerto.

We warmly welcome conductor Shiyeon Sung, who has been described as “a real trailblazer”; together with Beethoven, Haydn, Dvořák and the full RPO, she promises to bring pure sunshine to a February night in Guildford.